Bradys Run Sanitary Authority (BRSA) provides waste water conveyance and treatment services for portions of Chippewa, South Beaver, Patterson and Brighton Townships, Big Beaver Borough, and the County.
BRSA is a member of Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association (PMAA), Pennsylvania Rural Water Association (PRWA), and the Western Pennsylvania Water Pollution Control Association (WPWPCA). To learn more about BRSA, please visit the links to the right.
Administrative Staff
- Linda, Billing Clerk
- Jennifer, Office Manager
Plant Operations Staff
NOTE: All employees have a picture ID card verifying who they are. Please feel free to contact Bradys Run Sanitary Authority during business hours at 724-846-3820 to verify if an employee is actually knocking at your door. After business hours, please contact emergency authorities at 911.
Todd, Plant Superintendent |
Erik, Plant Lead Operator | Joe, Plant Operator | Jeff, Plant Operator |
Brad, Plant Operator |
Jeremy, Plant Operator | Anthony, Plant Operator |
Our Board Members
Jim Bouril – Chairman / Chippewa Township
Dan Woodske – Vice-Chair / Chippewa Township
Bryan Wright – Secretary / Chippewa Township
Jay Paisley – Big Beaver Borough
Jake Bowser – Chippewa Township
The Bradys Run Sanitary Authority (BRSA) was organized in the 1960’s for the purpose of providing waste water conveyance and treatment services for the municipality. The intention was to alleviate any public health and water pollution problems that may have existed as a result of the lack of such facilities.
During the 1990’s, the Authority went through a major expansion to include providing service to portions of several other communities. These communities include South Beaver, Patterson and Brighton Townships, and Big Beaver Borough. BRSA also provides service to the Beaver County Airport and Brady’s Run Park.
Currently, the Authority services an area of approximately 23 square miles with nearly 100 miles of collection and conveyance sewer lines and 3,500 manholes. The system is also supported by eight pump stations located throughout our service area. BRSA customers include residences, commercial sites, government facilities and schools totaling nearly 3,500 accounts.
The Bradys Run Sanitary Authority exists for the health and safety with regard to wastewater of all residents in the service area and those downstream of our effluent in a cost effective manner.
Ongoing Projects
Current ongoing projects will be placed here. Please check back for updates. Thanks!
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